Join The Society
We would be delighted to have you become a member of the Society!
All new members are warmly welcomed, regardless of their prior experience (or lack thereof) with succulent plants.
Membership Requirements
Society members are expected to have an interest in succulent plants. That’s it!. We have no other requirements for membership (other than, of course, the payment of your dues).
Membership Benefits
Receive Email Updates
Make friends and share time with like-minded people
Work outdoors with succulent plants.
Society members take pride in owning and maintaining the Society’s Gardens.
Society members gain enjoyment from exchanging information about succulent plants with other members and with non-member visitors to the Gardens.
Society members gain a sense of satisfaction and pride from knowing they are helping support the Society’s Scholarship Program.
Society members gain exposure to the interesting and educational programs presented at each of the Society’s annual sales.
Society members receive an automatic subscription to the Society’s electronic newsletter.
Society members become healthy, wealthy, and wise. (Just kidding about the wealthy part.)
Membership Levels

Annual Membership
Dues: $25.00 per member per year
This type of membership is available for anyone wishing to help support the Society on a year to year basis. Dues received by the Society for individual memberships are deposited in the Society’s general fund where they are used to help pay for the Society’s educational outreach and the maintenance of the Gardens.
The first payment for an annual membership will be applied to the current calendar year — except when a new member joins during the last three months of the calendar year, in which case their first annual dues payment will also include a paid-up membership for the immediately following calendar year..

Lifetime Membership
Dues: $250.00 per member
Single payment.
This category lets you avoid the need to make annual dues payments. Lifetime Members may be either active or inactive participants in Society activities. The money paid for a Lifetime Membership goes into the Society’s Scholarship Fund.
There are absolutely no restrictions on who may become a Lifetime Member, or when.
All membership are tax deductible.
We are a federally registered charitable organization.
Membership Application

Application Form
Download our Application Form Here.
Our application is printed on our tri-fold brochure.
Brochures are available inside our historic cottage, at our greeter’s table on sale days, and at four annual business meetings.
Please Note: When filling out your application, please make sure your contact information is printed clearly and legibly. Thank you!
Application Payment
When paying by check, please make it payable to:
“Sarasota Succulent Society”.
Cash and credit cards are accepted when submitting applications in person.
Application Delivery
Send your completed application and check to: The Sarasota Succulent Society, 1310 38th St., Sarasota, FL 34234.
In Person
Regulary Meetings: Attend one of our regular meetings and introduce yourself to our Treasurer.
Workday Sessions: Attend one of our workday sessions (held all year long, almost every Monday and third Saturday, from 9 to noon) and meet with one of our worker-bees.
Annual Sales Days: Attend one of our three major annual sales and meet with one of our sales volunteers.