You are here:  Sales

1310 38th Street
Sarasota, Florida
Click here for a Map.

Our grounds are
during our three big
Annual Sales.
Please visit our
Sales Page for details.

Our grounds are
during our gardening
workdays, held on
Monday mornings,
from 9:00 to noon,
and on the third
Saturday of every
month (except
December), also
from 9:00 to noon.

Gardening sessions
may be canceled
without public notice
due to issues with
the weather and/or
volunteer availability.
Both situations are
quite rare, but worth
noting if you will be
traveling from afar.

2024 Special Sales

Work Day Sales

We encourage you to visit to our Gardens on one of our gardening workdays, held from 9:00 am to noon every Monday and on the 3rd Saturday of every month (except December) also from 9:00 am to noon.

Come stroll the Gardens!  Experience our wonderful Old Florida ambiance and meet our dedicated volunteer workers.  Receive their help choosing from the many varieties of beautiful succulent plants we'll have for sale.

Please note that these sessions are subject to cancellation, without public notice, due to weather conditions or the absence of available volunteers. Both situations are quite rare, but certainly worth planning for if you will be traveling from afar.

Future Sale Dates

We hold the same three big sales every year and you are always invited.  [ map ]  And, here's how to mark these dates on your calendar every year in the future:

1.)  Saturday Before Presidents' Day:
The “Official” President's Day is always the 3rd Monday in February, but we actually hold our sale on the preceding Saturday.

2.)  Saturday Before Mother's Day:
Mother's Day is always on the second Sunday in May, and our sale is always on the Saturday of the Mother's Day weekend.

3.)  Labor Day:
This sale is always on the First Monday in September.  (Except in years when there is a hurricane in the area.  Then, our first choice for an alternative date will be the following third Saturday in September.)

Helpers Are Welcomed

We are looking for Active members to come out and physically work in the gardens to help us prepare for our sales. Do you live in a Condo or Apartment and miss hands on contact with the soil?  Join Us!!

read  about  volunteering  here...
